§ 23-53. Barred or locked premises upon which food or drink served.  

Latest version.
  • It shall be unlawful and a Class 1 misdemeanor for any person to operate any club, restaurant, place of amusement, dancehall or similar establishment open to the public in the city where beverages (including alcoholic, but not limited thereto) or food is served, dispensed or otherwise made available to the occupants behind barred or locked doors and on premises made inaccessible for proper health, safety and fire inspections at all times during its operating hours.

    (Code 1965, § 23-10.1; Ord. No. 1058, 7-14-80)

    Cross reference— Food and food establishments, Ch. 13.

(Code 1965, § 23-10.1; Ord. No. 1058, 7-14-80)

Cross reference

Food and food establishments, Ch. 13.